Why is Epecuen suitable for an end-time thriller ?


Why is Epecuen suitable for an end-time thriller ?

The present (ghost) town of Epecuen was created at the turn of the century, as a health resort, since Lake Epecuen is extremely salty (similar to the Dead Sea). During the high season in the 50s and 60s there were up to 30,000 tourists here every day, curing their various “aches and pains.” After a prolonged dry period in the early 80s, Lago Epecuen threatened to dry up, which would mean the end of tourism.


Various dams were built and rivers were diverted into the lake so that the water level would rise again. The approach worked until disaster struck in October 1985. The year 1985 was extremely rainy and the water level rose steadily. The dams could not withstand the pressure and broke. The city was evacuated in a “night and fog operation”. Miraculously, there were no injured or dead. But the entire city was swallowed by the waters. From 2015, the water level began to fall again, releasing the city. Today you can see what 30 years of “salt water” have done to the buildings and inventory. One feels like in an end time thriller. Spooky!

But our highlight was the conversation with Pablo Novak. Pablo (93 years old) was born in Epecuen and told us impressively how everything happened. Check it out.

Pablo Novak
Pablo Novak
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