Why the Parque Nacional Conguillo is still worth visiting

P.N Conguillo

Why the Parque Nacional Conguillo is still worth visiting

Once you have the reservation of the parkand Campsite (see Useful tips – National Parks Chile) managed, you can enjoy the park to the fullest. And this park offers a lot. Countless hiking trails along lagoons always the view of some volcano. First and foremost, the still active Laima volcano towers over everything. In addition, ancient araucaria forests. A dream!

P.N Conguillo
P.N Conguillo

A tip for those who stay longer in the park: Please shop already down in the town of Melipueco, as there is only a small store in the park itself, with limited and expensive offer.

Parque Nacional Conguillo
Parque Nacional Conguillo
P.N Conguillo2
P.N Conguillo2
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